Ten ways to invest in yourself in a COVID-19 environment
Taking precautions to slow the spread of COVID-19 has meant that many of us are at home more and have more free time as a result. Use some of that time to invest in YOU. Self-care is important for maintaining your physical and mental health, especially during periods of greater stress.
Tips for investing in yourself:
- Create a self-imposed time limit for being on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other online networks. Take a break from the flood of information on COVID-19 and the economy and from the stress this can create.
- Read/listen to a book. Did you spend money recently on a hard cover or e-book? Why not see if it was worth it? You could also borrow an e-book from your local public library.
- Update your resume. When did you last add recent skills you developed, trainings you attended, and certifications you earned? Even if you’re not job searching now, it’s always good to keep your resume current, especially in an uncertain economy.
- Take an online class. Many websites offer free courses. Find something that interests you and sign up.
- Master that hobby that you love. Whether it’s photography, writing, drawing, web-building or another passion, you now have the time to perfect it. This may even turn into an opportunity to earn extra money.
- FaceTime/video chat with friends or relatives you haven’t spoken with in a while. Nothing feels better than sharing some great conversation and laughs!
- Clean and organize. You’ve been meaning to sort and rearrange items in your closets, cabinets, the junk drawer or your make-up bag, right? After you’re done cleaning and organizing, fill donation boxes/bags with the things you don’t need any more.
- Clean out your car. Look under the seats and find all the change that spilled out of your pockets or purse. Pop open that trunk to remove any trash, excess clothes, shoes or anything else that doesn’t belong there.
- Rejuvenate your body. Since you can’t go to the spa or gym, look online for yoga or meditation classes. Create an in-home spa for a relaxing change of pace.
- Get your affairs in order. Update your life insurance policies and wills. Store them in a place where your spouse/partner/beneficiaries can access them. While it’s not fun, it is a necessary part of life that people tend to avoid or forget.
If you’re stressed about your finances, now is also a good time to get them in order. Call LSS Financial Counseling at 888.577.2227 for your free, confidential session, or get all your support online at your convenience. Our experienced counselors will work with you to create a realistic budget and individualized action plan, with steps to help you improve your finances and reduce related stress.
Author Maria Taylor is a Certified Financial Counselor with LSS Financial Counseling.