
Know Your Rights! Voting Information for People with Disabilities

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

As a voter in Minnesota, your right to vote is protected by state and federal law. These laws are in place to make voting accessible for all people who are eligible to vote. Make sure you are prepared for election day by knowing your rights!


  • You still have the right to vote if you are under guardianship.
    Unless a court order specifically takes away your right to vote, you may still vote if you are under guardianship, conservatorship, or you gave someone power of attorney.
  • If you can’t get into your polling place, you may vote from your vehicle or request an absentee ballot.
    Election judges will come out to your vehicle to assist you at your polling place if you can’t come inside. If you choose to vote absentee, you can request an absentee ballot ahead of time at and mail it in.
  • If you are pre-registered, you don’t need to bring ID to the polls.
    The deadline for Pre-registration is October 18. Visit to register online, or see if you are currently registered to vote.
  • You have the right to register and vote on Election Day.
    To register on Election Day you must provide the required proof of residence and identity. If you live in a residential facility, an employee of the facility may vouch for you as proof of residence.
  • If you can’t sign your name, you may ask someone else to sign for you.
    You have the right to tell the election judge who you are and tell another person to sign your name for you.
  • You have the right to ask for help voting. 
    Any person you choose can go with you into the voting booth except an agent of your employer or union, or a candidate.
  • You can ask someone to mark your ballot for you.
    It is against the law for them to mark the ballot for you if you cannot communicate to them who you want to vote for.
  • It is against the law for anyone in the polling place to try to influence your vote.
  • You have the right to take a sample ballot into the voting booth with you.
  • If you make a mistake before submitting your ballot, you may request a new ballot from the election judge.
    You may tell the election judge you need a new ballot. The ballot with the mistake will be discarded and you may continue voting with the new ballot.
  • You may defend your right to vote if someone challenges you.
    If someone challenges your right to vote, the election judge must: 
    1. Put you under oath and have you swear to tell the truth. 
    2. Ask you if your right to vote has been taken away by a court order. 

    If you answer that you are eligible to vote, you MUST be allowed to vote.


To fix a problem at the polls, before you leave the polling place, talk to the head election judge, and if they can’t fix it, ask them to contact a county or city election official.

If that doesn’t work, Contact the Minnesota Disability Law Center Voter Hotline at 1-800-292-4150 or TDD/TTY: 612-332- 4668.


Information in the post is based on the “Helpful Information for Voters with Disabilities” fact sheet from the Minnesota Disability Law Center, July 2014. Based on the MN Voter's Bill of Rights.