
Congratulations to the winners of our Online Portal drawing!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

We’re excited to share that winners have been selected for our Online Portal contest!

Our two grand prize winners received the choice of an iPad Air or a Samsung Chromebook. Three second place winners were also drawn, each receiving a $200 visa gift card.

To be entered into the drawing, Managing Parties must have entered all timesheets on time for three selected time periods during February, March and April.

Thank you to everyone who participated! We appreciate your willingness to try the Portal and help us get closer to reaching our goal. Your efforts help us to provide more efficient service to you! 


More people than ever are using the PortalPortal Use Graph

73% of Managing Parties now use the Portal, and we’re quickly approaching our goal of 85%. Portal usage has increased by 10% in the last three months alone! 

A convenient way to manage services

The Portal is available 24/7 and is a fast and easy way to submit timesheets, expenses and mileage. Entering timesheets through the Portal is more convenient than mailing–save on postage and get more days to enter times.

The Portal also gives you immediate access to manage your services. Instantly view spending summaries and make changes, like updating an address. Real-time updates allows you to make sure that your information is entered correctly, helping us to manage your information quickly and efficiently.

If you’re new to the Portal or are interested in getting started, your service coordinator can walk you through using the Portal and answer questions you may have.