
PICS' Response to George Floyd’s Death

Friday, June 05, 2020

PICS (Partners in Community Supports) is proud to be part of an organization committed to anti-racism. We are grieving the loss of George Floyd and our hearts are breaking for his family and our community.

We believe every person has inherent worth and dignity.

We stand with our neighbors in south Minneapolis and across Minnesota united in grief at the tragic death of George Floyd. We see and acknowledge the pain in our community. Many are experiencing tremendous hurt; this includes our own employees and people we support.

Events this week demonstrate the importance and value of the work being done by many to further a just and fair society. The work toward dignity and respect for all people must continue.

As an anti-racist organization, we recommit ourselves to our mission to change lives and build community. We will continue to learn and advocate as we work earnestly toward our vision that all people have opportunity to live and work in community with full and abundant lives.

We extend our thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of George Floyd. We also pray for peace, hope, healing and justice in our community – and invite you to do the same. Mr. Floyd’s life and death matter. Let’s honor his life by working together to co-create a community where all of us find meaningful ways to truly love and respect one another.