
Understanding & Managing Your Budget

Your Support Plan defines what supports, services and goods you would like to use to accomplish your goals. You may use your authorized amount to hire a Support Planner for assistance with completing this form and implementing service. 



Fees vary between program funds. Please contact us to determine your fees.


Make a Change or Addendum

A request must be sent to your Lead Agency Representative to make any change in your plan or move money around. Your Lead Agency Representative will inform you if an addendum is needed and if there are any further required documents needed. If you do not know who your Lead Agency Representative is, please contact us.


Pay Rates

Representatives determine the pay rate for their workers, but pay rates must follow state minimum and maximum rate guidelines. Please contact us for information.

Changing Wage Rates

To make changes to the wage rates of your workers, complete the Status Change Form and submit it to PICS. PICS will verify your rate request with the Service Coordinator. The wage change must be approved in the Community Support Plan (CSP). If approved, PICS will update your wage rate on the desired effective date.


Waiver or Grant Renewal

Each year, individuals receiving services must renew their eligibility to avoid disruption in services with PICS. Complete the following steps before the end of your current service agreement:

  1. Participant receives an annual assessment.
  2. Representative completes a new Support Plan.
  3. The Lead Agency Representative will forward approved support plan to PICS.
  4. PICS Service Coordinator will create the budget.
  5. The county will issue a new Service Agreement to PICS and services may continue.