Short-Term Crisis & Respite Care

Short-Term Foster Care for Children

woman holding baby

Out-of-home placements can take various forms depending on the family situation. There is often a need for foster parents to provide short-term care for children in transition or when their families are facing a crisis. Consider whether the flexibility of short-term fostering is right for your family.

Crisis Nursery Care 

Short-term care designed for children under the age of 12 when parents, foster parents or other adults need to ensure their children are safely cared for while they attend to a crisis in their lives.

Emergency Shelter Care

Emergency shelter is short-term care up to 30 days for a child or youth who is entering foster care for the first time.

Emergency care may also be needed when a current placement is ending and a new home has not yet been identified.

Respite Care Providers

Respite care is short-term care for children of all ages when their families need to be away for various reasons. This may include occasional weekend care or other short-term commitments. The intent is that children will return to their current family’s care.

To learn more about short-term foster care for children, contact a local LSS foster care coordinator near you or fill out a foster parent interest form. 


LSS Therapeutic Foster Care