Youth Homelessness
Transitional Living Program

Transitional Living Program

If you are a young adult trying to live in a home or apartment on your own, we may be able to help.

Assistance with rent and/or a rental deposit may be available to young adults who qualify. Youth who meet eligibility requirements may also receive financial assistance for furniture, household goods, utilities and food.

Contact us to find out if you are eligible and if there are current opening in the program: 507.316.8273.

To participate in the program and receive housing subsidies, you must:

  • be 16-21 years old (youth under the age of 18 will need a county referral to participate in the housing program)
  • be employed and working towards defined goals
  • live on your own
  • attend and complete the Life Skills course offered by the LINK
  • participate in our monthly Peer Support Group
  • set goals and work with your LSS case manager weekly to review your progress and create strategies to achieve your goals

The goal of the Transitional Housing Program is to support at-risk youth while they establish and maintain an independent household, and prevent future occurrences of homelessness.

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