Employment Services & Career Development
We offer several employment services for individuals and companies.
Training & Education Center (TEC)
Offering free courses and workshops to help individuals build confidence, grow their interview and job skills, and achieve financial wellness.
Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
MFIP is a federally funded program for low-income families with children. We work with parents to assess their interests and skills, connect with local employers, and access resources such as training, child care assistance and food.
Financial Opportunity Center
The Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) can support you in advancing your career and financial goals so you can achieve success. The FOC consists of three main service components: employment coaching, financial coaching and access to resources.
Health Care Careers Program
Enter or advance in your health care career by working with an employment counselor to assess, plan and take action!
Employment for Adults with a Criminal Conviction and a Disability
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS) Employment for Adults with a Criminal Conviction and a Disability program is available to Hennepin County residents. Hennepin County workers in behavioral health, probation and mental health can refer individuals with both a criminal conviction and a disability to LSS. We provide assistance in preparing these individuals to return to work, which can include mock interviews, learning how to complete online job applications, and learning how to discuss criminal convictions in an interview. We also work to ensure that participants have the documentation needed to return to work and are prepared to succeed at a job that fits their strengths.
For Employers
We prepare individuals to grow their skills to meet the employment needs of your company. We match you with employees whose experience meets your job specifications and who will immediately contribute to your team.