Help in Your Home
From companionship services to hot meals delivered to your door, LSS offers a variety of services to help older adults remain active and independent in their homes. Learn about our home-based service options below.
Caregiver Support & Respite
Helping caregivers maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle while they provide quality care for their loved ones.
Health Care Agent
Appointing a Health Care Agent assures medical decisions will be made according to your wishes, should you become unable to communicate them yourself.
LSS Meals Home-Delivered Meals
Volunteers deliver fresh, hot meals and a smile to older adults at home.
Neighbor to Neighbor Companions
Dedicated companions visit older adults in their home each week and offer customized support, transportation and friendship. This is an affordable service available for purchase.
PICS (Partners in Community Supports)
Financial and technical support for individuals and families who choose to design their own support structures and remain in their own homes and communities.
Power of Attorney Assistance
Assistance for older adults who need help managing some or all of their financial affairs.
Senior Companion
Dedicated companions visit you in your home each week and offer customized support, transportation and friendship. This service is available to qualified older adults.