Welcome bags for Therapeutic Foster Youth/Families
What We Do
Therapeutic Foster Care is a highly-supportive, professional service geared to the best outcomes for children in foster care and families. It is a distinct, powerful, and unique model of care that provides youth with a nurturing and therapeutic family environment. Our approach to fostering is met through the nurturing, modeling and teaching provided by foster parents and through the therapeutic interventions, guidance, support and education provided by mental health practitioners.
Project Location
Collect supplies at your congregation, then deliver to your local office:
- Alexandria Area: 507 - 22nd Avenue East, Suite 1, Alexandria, MN 56308
- Brainerd Lakes Area: 716 E Street Northeast, Brainerd, MN 56401
- St. Cloud Area: 2835 West St. Germain St., Suite 550, St. Cloud, MN 56302
What You Can Do
Create Welcome Bags for foster youth. Most often, when a youth first comes into foster care, they come with very little or nothing at all. We are working hard to help however possible to ease this transition. We also appreciate items geared towards older children, such as ages 10 and up..
Project Details
Welcome Bags could include items such as:
- A flashlight
- A stuffed companion
- A journal
- A book
- Fidgets
- Puzzles
- A calendar
- Pajamas
- Socks
- Toiletries- including toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bath bombs.
- We also appreciate gift cards for families to places such as Walmart or Target so they can purchase items tailored to the youth, especially when it is a quick or urgent placement.
Sam Rex, Sam.Rex@chlss.org and 651.255.2212