Refugee Services

Refugee Services

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Minnesota has a long and proud tradition of helping refugees find safety and establish new lives in our community, dating back to World War II. Today, LSS Refugee Services of Minnesota serves hundreds of individuals and families each year strive toward self-sufficiency both when they first arrive and through the first five years in the United States. We empower individuals by providing a strong welcome and sense of belonging with support, guidance and friendship.


For more information or to learn how you can help refugees:

LSS Refugee Services
Minneapolis: 2400 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 | 612.879.5258
St. Cloud: 2835 W St. Germain Street, Suite 550, St. Cloud, MN 56304 | 320.251.7700

Connect with Us!

FB: @LSSMNRefugees
Twitter: @LSSMNRefugees

I am grateful for the Community Companion Service. The Community Health Worker connected me to some great resources so that I can feel safe at home. I don’t want to go back to the hospital if I can help it!”

Services for Refugee Services

Support Refugees

There are many ways you can make a direct difference and positively impact the life of refugee families, including Circle of Welcome, Direct Action Teams and In-Kind opportunities.

Services for Refugees

We help resettle refugees, provide low-cost immigration legal services and work with community groups to create greater understanding, bridge cultures and support refugees.

About Refugees & Asylees

Refugees provide valuable contributions as entrepreneurs, consumers and taxpayers. Find resources that provide insight into refugee resettlement and trends in the plight of refugees worldwide.

Refugee Services - Metro Area