Youth Homelessness
Coordinated Entry System (CES)

How Coordinates Entry Works

what to expect

The Coordinated Entry System (CES) is a statewide system for assessing the needs of youth, adults and families who are homeless or at risk of being homeless, and helping them find safe housing and supportive services.

There are trained Coordinated Entry System screeners in each Minnesota county. LSS receives referrals from CES for individuals who need the housing and related services that we provide. Contact CES if you are looking for referrals to shelters, supportive housing and other related services.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Make an appointment with your county CES assessor to receive a screening and assessment that determines whether you’re eligible for services.

Step 2: If you qualify, the assessor will add your name and housing assessment information to your county’s priority list.

Step 3: Keep in touch with your assessor with any updates to your contact information or living situation while you wait for services. Program placement through CES is not guaranteed, so you should also continue looking for housing on your own. Placements are prioritized based on the level of need.

Step 4: Once you receive notification of a program opening for you, meet with them to ensure it’s a good match for you and/or your family. You may receive support services from LSS if we have the resources you need available, or you may be connected to another provider.

To get started, contact a Coordinated Entry assessor in your county. You can find one by searching "Coordinated Entry (name of your county)" or view this Minnesota Housing list of contacts.

Additional Twin Cities Area Resources

Housing for Youth

If you are looking for housing in the Metro Area, you can visit our Street Works page for additional information about the Coordinated Entry System.

Shelter for Youth

If you are looking for immediate shelter in the Metro Area, please visit the Youth Services Network (YSN) webpage for information on shelter availability, youth drop-in centers and contacting youth outreach workers.

Learn more about LSS Coordinated Entry System (CES).