In a recent article about the history of Minnesota’s vibrant Somali community, LSS Chief Family Services Officer Maureen Warren discussed the qualities that draw immigrants to Minnesota.
Eager cooks of all ages gather at the St. Peter Co–op every third Tuesday of the month to learn a little about healthy cooking while still being conscious about the almighty budget.
“We have four recipes that we print out and we usually cook three of them. The last one is a simple supper that you can throw together in five minutes,” said Stephanie Hailperin, founder of Friends in the Kitchen, a service by LSS and the St. Peter Co-op.
On today's menu: rhubarb thyme chicken, rhubarb lemon rosemary spritzer and apple pie tacos.
A new documentary, “A Lost Homeland,” details the history of Vietnamese refugees who fled their country after the Fall of Saigon in 1975, which marked the end of the war in Vietnam and the loss of a homeland for hundreds of thousands of people.
The Crow Wing County Board of Commissioners recently endorsed a Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota homeless prevention service, the only one of its kind in the Brainerd lakes area and surrounding region.
LSS is seeking renewal funding through the state's Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program. Lutheran Social Service has experience administering these services to Crow Wing, Todd and Morrison counties since 1999.
According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, approximately 185 children each week go into foster care. Becoming a foster parent starts with the commitment to ensure the children will be loved and taken care of.
"The plan was that we wanted to eventually adopt and we had ages and things we really wanted and then as we get calls you just feel the calling,” says Cullen Kennedy. “You don't want to say no, you take whatever the need is, you want to give them the opportunity."
Population declines and poverty cost the tiny Todd County town of Eagle Bend its grocery store and high school years ago, but those who remained pulled together and continued to feed their neighbors in need.
Now, they think maybe they can feed people anywhere in Minnesota.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is seeking foster parents for children and youth in need.
Changes in child welfare practices and the rise of parental drug abuse have contributed to the increased need for foster families. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, on an average day there were approximately 10,050 children in foster care in Minnesota in 2018, up from 9,900 the previous year.
As Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSS) continues to grow its nutrition services to meet the changing needs of older adults and other Minnesota neighbors, it introduced three new service names today. “LSS Meals” is replacing “LSS Senior Nutrition” as the overarching name for all of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota’s food-based services. Their community dining sites across the state will now be called “LSS Bistro,” and the nonprofit’s meals delivered at home with the help of volunteers will be known as “LSS Meals on Wheels.”
Traditional banking doesn't work for everyone. Often called unbanked or underbanked, these individuals use costly financial services, such as expensive check-cashing services or payday loans. Four nonprofits, including Lutheran Social Service, are working together to help break the cycle of paying exorbitant fees to access money and build wealth. Read more in the Spokesman Recorder.
Billing itself as a camp, Umoja MN is a weekend retreat program primarily aimed at white parents of black children, educators and others seeking to help families learn how to talk about race and their children’s experience as people of color.